> 關於創惟 > 外包商經營與管理






外包商管理程序 (ISO Spec.:GL-013)


  • 新外包商調查與評鑑作業原則

  • 外包商評核作業,頻率:每年執行兩次

  • 外包商年度品質稽核,依外包商稽核規範執行

  • 外包商評核及外包商稽核結果,未合格之供應商將限期改善

  • 外包商會議,以每季執行評選會議對象及審查內容

  • 視產品生產品質監控結果,評定執行不定期品質稽核之必要性  

♦ 已完成2023全年度評核作業,合格率100%,所有外包商皆符合規範之合格供應商標準,



外包商行為準則 (ISO Spec.:QA-250)


  • 各外包商每年執行RBA評核調查

  • 審查各外包商評核回覆,確認評核結果

  • 視評核結果評選稽核對象

  • 依據RBA規則給予外包商建議及改善


       GLI has developed this Supplier Code of Conduct (the "Code") to ensure that a safe working environment is in GLI supply chain, employees are treated with respect and dignity, and business operations are environmentally friendly and ethical. GLI requires suppliers to comply with this Code, as well as the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which they operate. GLI also encourages suppliers to require their downstream suppliers, contractors and service providers to agree and adopt this Code.

       外包商行為準則中各項規定乃是以「責任商業聯盟(RBA, 前身為EICC)行為準則」為藍本,並參照「聯合國企業與人權指導原則」(the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights)及其他國際間普遍採用之人權規章包括「國際勞工組織工作基本原則與權利宣言」(ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work)及「世界人權宣言」(the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights)所訂定。內容依責任商業聯盟行為準則最新版本為依據,並隨之更新而變更。目前參考版本為RBA 8.0版。
       In alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the provisions in this Code are derived from and respect internationally recognized standards including the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The content is based on the latest version of the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct and is subject to change as it is updated. The current reference version is RBA 8.0.

       The Code is made up of five sections. Sections A, B, and C outline standards for Labor, Health and Safety, and the Environment, respectively. Section D adds standards relating to business ethics. Section E outlines the elements of an acceptable system to manage conformity to this Code.

       The Supplier submits this Declaration signed by an authorized representative, promising that Supplier shall observe and faithfully execute the Declaration of Commitment of Genesyslogic's Supplier Code of Conduc.



創惟科技致力於負責任與永續的採購,承諾依循經濟合作暨發展組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development;簡稱OECD)所制訂「來自受衝突影響和高風險區域的礦石的負責任供應鏈盡職調查指南」的盡職調查(Due Diligence)架構,對供應商執行盡責調查以建立衝突礦產的管理機制。
同時也承諾根據責任礦產倡議組織(Responsible Minerals Initiative, RMI)規範,調查與資訊揭露來自受衝突影響和高風險區域(Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, CAHRAs)的礦物。以此確保供應鏈只使用來源可靠的「非衝突礦產」(DRC conflict-free minerals)。目前受調查範圍的礦物包含金、錫、鉭、鎢、鈷和雲母等。

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